Whenever you anticipate Lowell IMR business travel in-state, out of state or internationally, the University requires that a travel authorization be filed through the business office. FSO Travel requests that authorizations be filed at least 30 days prior to departure, whenever possible. International Travel must also be registered with the University's the University Global Travel Registry Office (also known as Terradotta). The process is necessary even if you are not seeking reimbursement. Registering your trip insures that the University has you covered with insurance and is able to assist you in the event of an emergency during international travel.
Upon completion of travel, the traveler must submit original, itemized receipts along with spreadsheet or summary of travel expenses (see form below) preferably within 10 days of return. The business office generates a travel expense report and submits the reimbursement to the Financial Services Office through UAccess Financials. The employee must log into UAccess Financials to review and approve the reimbursement. Once the employee approves, it moves onto FSO for processing.
Although the special coronavirus travel restrictions have been lifted, the University requires the following:
- Travel is in accordance with CDC guidelines based on current health guidelines.
- Travelers should understand the associated symptoms of a Coronavirus (COVID-19) infection and agree to cancel or postpone their travel if they begin to experience symptoms or are exposed to someone prior to departure.
- It is the responsibility of every individual conducting travel on behalf of the University to ensure they do not begin or continue with their travel if they are experiencing symptoms associated with Coronavirus. For a list of updated Coronavirus symptoms please refer to the CDC website. Should a traveler develop symptoms while on travel status and be required to quarantine, the costs associated with self-quarantine may be the responsibility of the traveler.
- The presence of University of Arizona in a community should not put that community or our employees at a greater risk. The traveler should evaluate health conditions, hospital capacity, number of reported cases, as well as curfews and potential violence in the area, prior to traveling to any destination.
If you plan on using a UA Motorpool vehicle, please do not submit directly to UA motor pool unless you are using external funds and will be paying for motor pool rentals directly. To submit a request, please send a motor pool request form to the Geosciences office please copy Pat Waters. See the motor pool estimation form to assist in calculating estimated costs. Reservations must be made with ample time as motor pool vehicles are limited.
Below are links to forms and information that will help you travel safely and in compliance with University policy.

The University provides several options for making business purchases:
The University purchasing credit card (PCard) is the preferred method of payment for all purchases under $10K. A PCard can be issued to you personally or you can stop by the business office to check out a department card. All original, itemized invoices must be returned to the business office with a completed PCard purchasing form for each transaction along with appropriate documentation as soon as possible after the purchase date. For event or meeting expenses, documentation would include a list of attendees along with a flyer, link to a website or meeting agenda. For PCard purchases relating to University travel, there must be completed travel authorization on file.
Arizona Buyways
Employees can requisition items directly through Arizona Buyways in UAccess Financial. There are many UA approved vendors and UAccess Financials links you directly to their sites.
UA Purchase Order
The business office can requisition a purchase order for you. For any purchases exceeding 10K, or for purchases with vendors who are not on AZ Buyways, please contact the the business office directly.
For complete information on purchasing policy see UA Procurement and Contracting Services.

U of A Employees
Employees can be reimbursed for allowable UA business purchases. It's best practice to check with the business office to confirm that the purchase is allowable and that this is the best method to use. Original, itemized receipts must be submitted to the business office within 10 days of the purchase along with a signed Employee Reimbursement Form stating a clear business purpose for the purchase. Receipts received by Accounts Payable after 60 days from date of purchase will be considered part of the employee's taxable income, per IRS ruling.
If you plan on offering a UA guest speaker or technical consultant expense reimbursement, please contact the business office. You should confirm that the proposed reimbursement is allowable under UA policy before making the offer.
Individuals cannot pay foreign visitors or cover their expenses with personal funds. This is unallowable under UA policy. All request for payments to foreign visitors must be paid directly by the University or by an appropriate 3rd party vendor.
Interview expenses for job candidates can be paid as long as there is an active UA job posting to which the candidate has applied.
Grant Proposal Submission Process
Primary Contact: Christine Duddleston, cmeranza@email.arizona.edu
Internal Deadlines for Proposal Routing
In order to facilitate grant proposals/agreements/contracts, etc, you must reach out to Christine Duddleston at cmeranza@email.arizona.edu at least three business weeks prior to the sponsor’s due date. This will assist in a timely submission for sponsored projects to review the proposal materials and comply with sponsored projects’ three-day deadline. This means that sponsored projects must receive the proposal’s final form (completely routed and approved in UAccess Research (UAR) and ready for submission to the sponsoring agency) three full business days prior to your sponsor's due date. Sponsored projects cannot guarantee timely submissions for late proposals. Complete, ready-to-submit means no edits to any document, administrative, financial, or scientific, unless specifically requested by Sponsored Projects after their review.
For detailed information relating to proposal development and requirements from the Sponsored Projects Services office, please visit: https://rgw.arizona.edu
An internal routing document (UAR) is needed for any funds (not intended to be a gift) coming to the University. If you are not sure if something should be routed to SPS, I can help with the determination process.
Requirements for Proposal Routing
To request assistance, please contact Christine Duddleston at cmeranza@email.arizona.edu
Below is a list of items needed to initiate the internal routing process to SPS for review, approval, and submission.
- Proposal Routing Sheet (This is an internal required document for each proposal submission)
- Project summary
- Budget
- Budget Justification Template (This describes the budget and reflects the costs listed. Please see the Budget Justification Guide for more information.)
- Other documents that require a University of Arizona signature, such as cover letters or letters of intent.
- NSF Proposal Checklist
Sponsored projects will review the documents for accuracy, completeness, and for compliance with sponsor submission procedures. SPS does NOT review the technical aspects of the proposal, including page limits and margins.